
Willing to Take the Heat:​​​​

Maria Pepe, Playing With the Boys

“When you’re 11 you just want to play ball, you’re not thinking ‘Oh, I’m gonna break a sex barrier for Little League.” 

 -Maria Pepe aarp.org


In 1972, there were not many opportunities for girls to play organized baseball until 12-year-old Maria Pepe came and changed everything by Breaking the gender Barrier. Her fight led to paving the way for hundreds of thousands of girls to play youth baseball today. 

Image result for maria pepe playing

 Maria Pepe up to bat, theunsungheroines.com 

Image result for maria pepe


"It never really mattered to me how many people knew my story as much as it did how many girls were playing."

Maria pepe, 2017 MAKERS Conference youtube.com

Izzy Moran

Junior Individual Website

Student Composed Words: 946

Media Time: 0:51

Process Paper Word Count: 494