"We promote freedom of though, inquiry, and expression," National Coalition Against Censorship
Apart from continuing to write books, Judy Blume used other diplomatic approaches to debate against conservative movements.
"Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators 2018 Conference", Tennessean File
By contributing to organizations that support liberal expression in literature, Judy Blume was able to fight back against book censorship for her books and others'.
"We promote freedom of though, inquiry, and expression," National Coalition Against Censorship
With the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC), Blume and other contributors have been able to debate against censorship with advocacy and education since 1974.
"We envision an American society that understands, values, defends, and vigorously exercises free expression in a just, egalitarian, diverse, and inclusive democracy."
~ The National Coalition of Censorship
“I am a big supporter of your cause and believe that censorship is against the American way. I believe that people should be able to read whatever they want and say whatever they want. I am really happy with what you are fighting for. You guys and girls truly are freedom fighters. Please keep up the fight and good work.”
~ Patrick Fuller, student, referring to the National Coalition Against Censorship and its contributors
"Lawn Boy and Gender Queer, two of the many books that have been put back on shelves after letters from the NCAC" National Coalition Against Censorship
Blume’s position in the NCAC allowed her to provide young people with characters and stories they relate to, ensuring other authors the opportunity to express themselves through literary works.
Judy Blume was also able to support children during puberty by creating projects that involve children and adults interacting with one another.
Letters to Judy: What Kids Wish They Could Tell You
Judy Blume founded the KIDS Fund (1986) to encourage parents and children to talk openly. It includes projects such as Letters to Judy: What Kids Wish They Could Tell You, a collection of letters from children with responses from Blume.
“Kids don’t just trust Judy Blume, they pour their hearts out to her… Letters to Judy is a moving collective portrait of young Americans… The sound of real life practically leaps off the pages.”
~ Los Angeles Herald Examiner
This project has helped children advocate for themselves, and has helped parents understand how to support their children more effectively.
"I really think you're great because in every one of your books you give us a new way to cope with life", GLENN HOROWITZ BOOKSELLER
"The reason I wrote Letters to Judy: What Kids Wish They Could Tell You was to help kids feel less alone with their thoughts and feelings and to help parents understand their kids", Blume’s reply to fan letter (1987). Hadley Freeman
Judy Blume’s many efforts against book censorship have motivated others to take a stand against censorship as well, and her books have given children a sense of security growing up. By diplomatically continuing to spread her ideas, she has shown her side of the debate against conservative movements.