Long Term Impact

Long Term Impact

NATO deters attacks because of its threat of a heavy counterattack from NATO member countries if one is attacked. This deterrent effect combined with countries like Russia and China that are not on good terms with NATO countries, and that have the power to destroy large areas, even whole countries, means that neither will try to attack the other because of the resulting devastation. This is mutually assured destruction (MAD). The idea is that if both will face annihilation then neither will attack the other.

NATO forces came to aid after Hurricane Katrina.  2025, NATO.

NATO has also been expanding into defending against other threats such as digital attacks. Another way NATO is changing is by offering disaster relief support and funding research into clean energy. This shows NATO has changed from being a way to support and defend Western European countries after WWII to deterring threats from attacking and now trying to tackle bigger problems like global warming and natural disasters.​​​​​​​

A picture illustrating the idea of MAD. Salon news website. 

Another example of how NATO is impacting the world today is the current events in Ukraine. Ukraine was trying to join NATO but they were invaded first by Russia who wanted to take over Ukraine for some time. Because of this invasion, Ukraine could not join NATO because of the chance to escalate the conflict into a large war. This problem in Ukraine shows the treaty is not without its flaws because its presence actually promoted an attack from Russia and is deterring proper aid from reaching Ukraine.

NATO forces coming to aid after Hurricane Katrina.  2025, NATO.

"NATO has also taken up new threats from cyberspace, outer space and most recently climate change as it impacts on state and human security."- Jamie Shea, the retired Deputy Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations.
