"Rachel Carson in 1949 aboard the Albatross II, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service vessel sailing out of Woods Hole, Mass." Courtesy of the Pittsburg Post Gazette
On May 27, 1907, Rachel Carson was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania to Maria and Robert Carson. Carson and her siblings were raised in poverty by their mother, who influenced Carson’s love for nature. Significantly younger than her siblings and never having many friends, Carson spent most of her time outdoors exploring her family’s land. She was an early reader and wrote many short stories. At ten, she published her first story.
"Carson as a child, reading to her dog Candy." Courtesy of The New York Times
"Photograph of Rachel Carson as a young girl with two dogs sitting on the grass." Courtesy of Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
"I can remember no time when I wasn’t interested in the out-of-doors and the whole world of nature. Those interests, I know, I inherited from my mother and have always shared with her."
- Rachel Carson
“Rachel’s love of the outdoors had about it the fresh delight of discovery. Her mother’s companionship as teacher and partner brought with it an obligation to help others see and to share in the wonder.”
- Linda Lear
"A battle in the clouds by Rachel L. Carson (age 10.)"
Courtesy of Yale University Library
"This is the story about a famous aviator who was in the Royal Flying Corps until he was killed in this country instructing other men. The main facts of this story were told to me by my brother, who is a soldier. The aviator had been several years in France." - Rachel Carson
"The plane wavered, and he knew that if something was not done promptly, the plane would fall. He saw that there was only one thing to do, and he did it quickly." - Rachel Carson
Throughout high school, her love for the environment and writing grew and soon she graduated top of her class. In 1925, she attended Pennsylvania Women’s College to study English. However, not long into her studies she discovered her love for Marine Biology and switched majors.
"Photograph of Rachel Carson in graduation robe and mortarboard."
Courtesy of Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare
Book and Manuscript Library.
"Rachel Carson was a member of the Omega Club, a literary club on campus. Rachel Carson is in the second to the last row, second from the left." Courtesy of Chatham University
"The Honorary Hockey Team, pictured in the 1928 Pennsylvanian. Rachel Carson is in the top row, second from right." Courtesy of Catham University
After her senior year, she went on to receive her Master’s in Zoology at Johns Hopkins University. She wanted to continue for her doctorate, but she dropped out to take a full-time teaching position to support her family.