How the British Reacted

                                                     How the British Communicated

    The British and the Hessians had trouble communicating at times because they did not speak the same language. Instead, they had to speak French, which was a more common language. They had trouble speaking to each other when someone did not speak great French. If miscommunication occured, it could make trouble on the battlefield. One German, General Evan, demanded that a German speaking officer be there at all times.

    To enforce laws, such as the Stamp Act of 1765, the British forces would send tax collectors. These tax collectors would collect the taxes from the people living in the colonies, and would fundamentally be the ones enforcing the Stamp Act. Shopkeeps also had a part in the tax, fulfilling a process I call "Spreading the Stamp." This would be the act of putting the stamp on the products being sold. This communicated the act very well, as having a big, red stamp on your card case would certainly be an annoyance, and would also send a definite message to everyone in the colonies.

An image of the stamp from the Stamp Act.

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