Argentine Soldiers at Port Stanley, General Archive of the Nation, Wikimedia Commons, 2 April 1982
"The fate of over 1,000 souls was decided in April 1982."
~Joseph Mauro, The Falkland Islands War: Diplomatic Failure in April 1982, 2010
Aerial Battle in the Falklands, Wikimedia Commons, 1982
Map of the Falkland Islands by Eric Gaba, Wikimedia Commons, 2007
Buenos Aries, Capital of Argentina by Deensel, Wikimedia Commons, 2018
London, Great Britain by Caroline Purser, Getty Images, 2017
Brihyana Paul
Junior Division
Individual Website
Student Composed Words: 1200
Process Paper: 498
Multimedia Time: 2 minute and 10 seconds
"We must find an element that brings cohesion to society and the country. That element is Malvinas."
~Admiral Jorge Isaac Anaya, 1982