Annotated Bibliography

Process paper and Annotated Bibliography

          I chose my topic, because I think it’s really good to make a website this early in the show, while it’s still new to everything. Molly of Denali is a very communicative show, it also shows how Indigenous kids live like today. I conducted my research on Molly of Denali, as a kid I grew up not seeing people like us on tv. We only saw us as “bad people'' or the “bad guy.” Molly of Denali also shows a lot of communication with Indiginous kids’ lives like today learning about our ancestors and their traditions. 

          I created my project on the NHD website. My historical argument is the fact that tv has been around for about 94 years, (PBS first came out in 1994.) It took 27 years to get a show about indiginous kids and people. The historical argument is: it that after 27 years, there’s finally an indiginous kids show to show all kids, and even adults, grandmas, grandpas, what indiginous kids live like today. Molly of Denali is very significant to history because it's good for the new generation to see themselves on tv as someone to look up to. 


Johnson, Princess Daazhraii, and EBH Education. “Molly of Denali Behind the Scenes at WGBH.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 Feb. 2020, . Accessed 5 Nov. 2020. 

This YouTube video is Princess talking about her show, and what it’s about. I chose this video, because it shows Princess’ view of Molly of Denali.


Johnson, Princess Daazhraii, and EBH Education. “Molly of Denali Behind the Scenes with the Creators.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 Feb. 2020,;_ylt=AwrWnHGtvfhfrFIA.iAPxQt.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZANDMDE2MV8xBHNlYwNwaXZz?p=molly+of+denali+princess+interview&type=ylkk_8953_CHW_US_tid9901&param1=RypDRDjp20T5Vc76fVk9yA%3D%3D&param2=9dUI1n2R0BLDxNuWfiP4aWyjOZc2NBa%2Bx2opBYQCDMSB7nBAfwbAzkkglZNKi5o21u72Jm8TatlnU7NDGbP7FxvhFOid1H9WMOc6%2BDuZOrDhYA1Nmi0aw6V%2FnWc8v3RoJszBWwJnslUbMAwG8YQnDqyvpHHx7ZKcOJkNSdHZ3N5pM4AzgfyRCzskGHUGFx0SRXjzgHa83xuWwLapNUDNYDVCe4Q8CAKBhHWZxqsIXjvw42hzQI%2BDrh8CW3ww0nxEOkdFX7QBhTZy81FPACg%2FwW%2FqICy6sM0USfnjOP%2B4EgI%3D&param3=NwVEMR%2FzKcG52XsVBYEh2zk2Yklq85vdfspZPoqz2M3vwv07NPg3vkgwG0WFkbR7Po1jF9rW0voo933Fb4ATXyxV4z817hzPECy6c8uTj48ucRqSr7gfgR53HsyYjD7YFoQ3pg%2FPuoC4KbGxN%2B6q0gSflzbOuFUXCqAbJHYckmspSB3j17a568zZpP3i0nJ3anoIIJ7i%2Fc%2B80UqVVeoFGugSQXjJH%2BRNr3V0l7y0RXY%3D&param4=IKyYyy%2F3zHnLjXdMue0PvSh2N8M1z4tCr0YiP6NeDl4%3D&hsimp=yhs-syn4&hspart=iba&ei=UTF-8&fr=yhs-iba-syn4#id=4&vid=74193c7e390a807421b817677c69fb6f&action=view Accessed 5 Nov. 2020. 

This YouTube video is another interview with Princess. She talks some more about her show. Their show idea shows how Alaska natives live like today, it also shows Molly’s history with others.  


Johnson, Princess Daazhraii, and EBH Education. “‘Molly of Denali’ aims to educate young audiences about Indigenous.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 Feb. 2020, Accessed 5 Nov. 2020. 

In this YouTube video Princess is talking about Molly, and how she’s very curious about the world. This fits the communication theme because Molly goes on so many adventures, which teaches her, and other kids about communicating and not going straight for anger, fighting, ect.                                 


Daley, Lauren. “GBH-produced ‘Molly of Denali’ inspires ‘so much pride’ for Alaska Natives.” GBH-produced, 2 10 2020,  Accessed 3-11-2020.

This website is talking about who is in Molly of Denali, and it also talks about how Molly helps a lot of people with their problems. This fits the communication theme by Molly, she’s all about helping and communicating with others. 


Jacobs, Julia. “With ‘Molly of Denali,’ PBS Raises Its Bar for Inclusion.” The New York Times, 15 July 2019,  Accessed 3-11-2020.

This website has a lot of information about the people who made Molly of Denali happen. This fits the communication theme by the workers who made the show Molly. They communicated on what to write about, and what’s going to happen.


Mup, Animation. “Picture of the Cartoon Molly of Denali with a Teal Background.” Princess Daazhraii Johnson - Bing Images, 16 July 2019, 

This is an image of Molly standing by a picture of a mountain. This fits the communication theme of Molly's great work helping Alaska’s small world. 


Early, Whesley. “Molly of Denali Launches Nationwide- Alaska Public Media.” Alaska Public Media , PBS and NPR, 15 July 2019, .  

This is a picture of Molly, Tooey, and Nehton hugging, it looks like they just got done playing drums and dancing. This fits the communication theme because it shows some of the native ways of communication. 


Locker, Melissa. “Here’s a Kids’ Podcast That Tells Native Stories with Native Voices.” Fast Company , Courtesy of PRX, WGBH, and PBS, 29 May 2019, .

This is an image of Nehton, Walter, Suki, Molly, Tooey, and Layla in a very exciting adventure! This fits the communication theme because they’re communicating with nature, and not destroying it or anything like that.  


 Wiest, Brianna. “Molly Of Denali' Marks Nation's First Animated Kids’ Show Featuring Indigenous Lead.” Romper, Romper, 9 July 2019,

This is an image of Molly and Layla on a plane high fiving. This image is yet another amazing adventure finding communication with nature.


Linklater, Leonard. “CBC News.” Meet 'Molly of Denali,' Indigenous Alaskan and Star of New Animated Series Social Sharing, CBC, 19 May 2018,

In this image of Molly, and it looks to me like she’s talking to some people, or someone about something on paper. This image shows how Molly is communicating with someone or people.


Prange, Stephanie. “Media Play News.” ‘Molly of Denali’ Streaming on PBS Kids Prime Video Starting July 19, 8 July 2019,

This is a picture of Tooey ,Trini, and Molly out in the waters. This fits the communication theme by them going out and communicating with nature, and them not littering or damaging nature. ​​​​​​​