
Newsboys Strike of 1899

The Meaning Behind the Rebellion
  The Mistreatment of the Newsies 
Communicating the Spark of the RebellionĀ 
Amid the Rebellion
The After-Math of the StrikeĀ 

Newsies selling papers, Libary of Congress,1910


Newsies, often orphan children ages 10 to 20, enacted a strike on the 18th of July, 1899 to communicate meager living conditions and the need for adequate supplies and shelter. As newspaper companies saw their sales plummet, compromise with the newsies seemed imperative. After the newsies strike, the Fair Labor Standard Act emerged in 1938.

Group Website

Junior Divison

Words Composed: 1,175

Process paper word count: 364

    Alyssa Lee, Ella Schaefer, Sarah Thoelke