The White Rose

The White Rose Resistance Group: Fighting Until the End

"How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a rightous cause?"
~ Sophie Scholl

Smithsonian Magazine 1942; Hans Scholl (left) Sophie Scholl (middle) and Christoph Probst (right).


Long live freedom” were Hans Scholl's last words before he was executed with his sister, Sophie, and friend, Christoph Probst. As members of a peaceful Hitler resistance group, the White Rose tried to communicate their opposition to Nazi violence and crimes through anti-fascist pamphlets and graphitti. Although the group was caught, their heroic and dangerous actions still gave people hope that change would come. After their execution, Allied forces dropped tens of thousands of the White Rose pamphlets all over Germany. The White Rose group was able to change many German citizens’ views of Hitler and the Nazis. Today, they are considered one of Germany’s many heroes.

Flashback 1942; The White Rose group together.

"I died for Germany's FREEDOM, for TRUTH and HONOR. Faithfully I served these three until my very last heartbeat."
~ Kurt Huber 


The White Rose Resistance Group: Fighting Until the End

Anneka Zaun, Abigail Wadholm, Kayleigh Olson

Junior Division

Group Website

Website Word Count: 1,194

Process Paper Word Count: 484