
 Over Time

Impact Through Time

The Sit-in-Movement helped to end racism, and in the long run it helped teach people to use their voice. People have been fighting for equality for a long time, and the 2020 Minneapolis riots show how people are still using their voice to fight for what they believe today. In the year 2020, alone there are close to 10 million tweets with the hashtag “#blacklivesmatter”.

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."  ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

U.S. News 2020; The 2020 Minneapolis riots and this was a form of protesting for black rights.

NCPEDIA; A Greensboro Four Statue located in Greensboro, NC.

The Sit-in-Movements have shown people what happens when people decide to fight for what they believe in, and even today we can look to the Sit-In-Movements to provide inspiration for ourselves and others. It's refreshing to know that if people get together and use all of their power they can accomplish so much. 

"Until you treat everyone as an equal, you have no right to complain about the treatment you recive from anyone." -Kushand Wisdom

So many people participated in marches and protests which brought the civil rights movement to the national stage furthering the stride towards equal rights in the United States. The movement was one of the building blocks in communicating the need for change and recognition about the issue. Blacks realized they could change the world they lived in by sitting down and taking the steps toward equality.