Jane Elliott

Jane Elliott

About Jane Elliott

Jane Elliott lives in a small town called Riceville, Iowa. She was a third-grade teacher in an all-white school. Elliott is a strong believer in non-discrimination. She stands up for equality and she is true to herself and her beliefs. 

    Jane Elliott, Independent.co.uk, 2020 

Jane Elliott, Podchaser, date unknown.

“There is only one race of people on the face of the earth, and that is the HUMAN race, of which we are all members. Skin color is the result of our bodies’ reactions to the natural environment; it has nothing to do with our intelligence. However, if we are treated unfairly as a result of this society’s ignorance about skin color, we are likely to begin to live down to other’s expectations of us, and so act less intelligently. I watched it happen with people of all ages, every time I did the exercise.” - Jane Elliott ​​​​​​​

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