
A Question of
​​​​​​​life or death

Capital Punishment and Mental Illness

Alaina Schoepke

Junior Division

Individual Website 

Word Count: 1,200

Process Paper: 500

Multi Media Time: 2:13

“I would hold that the Eighth Amendment forbids the execution only of those who are unaware of the punishment they are about to suffer and why they are to suffer it.”

- Justice Lewis Powell ​​​​​​​


In 1986, Alvin Bernard Ford successfully appealed for a stay of execution following his trial, where his mental capabilities and fitness to stand trial were disscussed. Ford isn’t an isolated case when it comes to debating whether or not the constitution bans the execution of those suffering from mental illness. Rather, mental capabilities and psycological issues weigh heavily on nearly every death penalty case in the United States to this day. The case did help to shift opinions regarding the execution of defendants with diminished mental faculties, but in the absence of established standards for such rulings, these decisions continue to be made on a case by case basis.