The Abuses

The Abuses

A photo Gallery Of the Abuses seen in Willbrook

 College Of Staten Island's collection of Eric Aerts photographs of Willowbrook State School. (Photo by Eric Aerts / Courtesy of Ericson Aerts and the College of Staten Island Archives & Special Collections)

(Courtsey Bill Bronston) 

This photograph depicts a young female who resided at the Willowbrook Institution. These marks were inflicted on her by a staff member who repeatedly beat her with large, heavy keys. 

(Courtesy of Bob Adelman, photographer/Adelman Images LP)

(Courtsey of Jon Senzer, photographer)



(Courtesy of Bob Adelman, photographer/Adelman Images LP)

(Courtesy of Bob Adelman, photographer/Adelman Images LP)

Courtsey Bill Bronston Collection, The Archives & Special Collections, College of Staten Island CUNY)