
Communication from the Past: Time Capsules


Introduction to Time Capsules

The existence of time capsules is only a recent a invention in history, but the are few that date back to the late 17th century. Though they are usually thought to be useless due to containing junk, they have contained artifacts and other items that contribute to history today! There are three types of time capsules, one of which will be depicted below and explained. While some may have been made by nature or by man, they all help tell us a lot of what events occured at the time or even have remnats of them. This website will hopefully guide and educate you more about the importance of time capsules.

In the year 2018 on the North-Easteren coast of Ireland,

 two surfers found a tube shaped capsule that was  partially buried in the sand.

They were reluctant to open it at first, but later a friend told them that it was actually a

time capsule, and so they decided to open it. Inside they found photos,letters, and other items left by a ship who planned on

having the time capsule to be discovered a few decades after its burial. Even so, it was a nice reminder to the many 

people who abourded the ship.

Arctic time capsule from 2018 washes up in Ireland as polar ice melts |  Arctic | The Guardian

The image above displays the insides of the

 time capsule

Navigating the website

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there may be some links that will lead you to other websites, references, and or other resources used in making this website. Any farther explanations needed will be provided on the other pages.