John Foster Dulles Quote

John Foster Dulles Quote
(Evidence 4)

Below is a photo of John Foster Dulles.

John Foster Dulles Quote (Evidence 4): 

“Jesus teaches us that nothing is unforgivable”

-John Foster Dulles

This is a quote by the Secretary of State during Eisenhower’s presidency, John Foster Dulles, the brother of the CIA director Allen Dulles who was in charge of the coup d’etat in Guatemala. In this quote John Foster Dulles is speaking specifically of the war crimes committed by the Japanese in WW2 but believes that they could be forgiven. For one the people he is addressing is every Japanese person, when many Japanese people didn’t commit any war crimes in WW2 and don’t need to be forgiven for anything. Of course the emperor of Japan was forgiven and not charged for war crimes but this is because he suspectedly had no control in the war and it was his advisors who did everything. This quote is also funny as the United States is trying to act like a victim in WW2 when they dropped nukes on Japan which today is considered a war crime. This quote clearly affects how the CIA runs as well. The Christian faith believes that Jesus was sent by God to forgive everyone for our sins. John Foster Dulles is saying that anything is forgivable, ironic from the guy who couldn’t forgive a democratically elected President for trying to give land to the people rather than have United Fruit own all of it. The United States wouldn’t let Jacobo Arbenz stay in his home country after the coup d’etat so Arbenz and his family had to hide behind the iron curtain (they would’ve gone to Cuba has it been communist at this point) until eventually they were allowed to return to Mexico but were under U.S watch and one of their kids even ended up killing themselves. The U.S government doesn’t want America’s forgiveness because if they did they wouldn’t’ve covered this whole thing up. During this coup d’etat the United States bombed cities which is considered a war crime, and driving someone to suicide which is illegal not a war crime. This quote would be better said if it came from a person with good morals but instead it came from John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State and commonly found helping United Fruit take control of the government.

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