What we did

What the Public Thinks of Us and Our Impact on History (Thesis and Historical Significance)

What the Public thinks of Us (Thesis): The coup in Guatemala was an event that happened in the 1950s when the U.S. provided rebellious soldiers money and training from the CIA to take over the Guatemalan government because the current one was supposedly a communist government. The reason the U.S. thought this was because of the corrupted company United Fruit. They were able to get congress and the entirety of the government on their side using fake stories about Guatemala. This takeover of the government destroyed Guatemala and left scars on the country that are still present today and was a loss for the people against big business.​​​​​​​

Our Impact on History (Historical Significance): Our Impact on History (Historical Significance): The coup in Guatemala impacted history not only in Guatemala but the history of other Central American countries, even American history.All these other countries' histories are also related to United Fruit just like Guatemala.The coup d'etat in Guatemala allowed United Fruit to keep doing what it'd been doing in Central America. This coup also impacted more than the history of a nation, it impacted the history of the banana. The banana United Fruit had been farming called the Gros Michel was nearly wiped out because a fungus had been able to spread across banana plantations so easily because they were all connected by United Fruit. This changed the banana we eat today which is now called the Cavendish banana. This coup changed the course of History in Guatemala, which at the time was trying to strengthen its economy and welfare but couldn't because it could not coincide with big business, which in Guatemala was United Fruit.

Below is a map of Guatemala and its surround countries.

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