
The Short Term Affects

Change did not happen so quickly the police continued to raid gay bars. More people were realizing that being LGBTQ+ is a thing. One excellent example of a bar raid was the Snake Pit in New York City just 8 months after the Stonewall raid. This raid was led by the same man who led The Stonewall riots, called Seymour Pine.

 167 people were arrested. This then led to a march by the LGBTQ+ Activist Alliance about 500 people marched to the police station.  According to another survey done by the Pew Research Center in 1991 having same-sex relations was always wrong peaking at 77%.

A newspaper article after. From the website Research Gate.

A survey in 1969. From the Pew Research Center. 

LGBTQ+ organizations started growing at a turning point in the fight for rights and showing themselves after Stonewall. These groups helped and still help with fighting for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community. A few months later the Stonewall Inn was shut down and was for sale.