Egypt wanted Sinai back and relations with the US. Israel wanted Arab recognition. The US wanted diplomatic relations developed between Israel and Egypt. All wanted peace.
This treaty called for:
1. A self-governing authority in Israeli-occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank, as progress towards Palestinian statehood
2. Implementation of U.N. resolutions 242 and 338
3. Recognition of Palestinian rights and processes to grant them full autonomy in the West Bank and Gaza within 5 years.
Although the Palestinian situation was covered, the U.N rejected this because it concluded without participation from the U.N or PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization).
"Resolution 242 (1967)" (UN Peacemaker)
"Resolution 338 (1973)" (UN Peacemaker)
This treaty called for:
1. Return of Sinai to Egypt and evacuation of Israelis
2. Diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel
3. Israeli freedom of passage through the Suez Canal and other waterways
4. A restriction on forces Egypt could place on Sinai
5. Freedom of passage between Egypt and Jordan
"The Camp David Accords" (Institute for National Security Studies)