Celebration After The Riots, BBC News, 2019
Thesis: The Stonewall Riots were a very important event in history. In 1969, the Stonewall Inn, which was a gay bar, was raided by police. The riots that took place afterwards were an important event in history because it changed most of the public's perception on homosexuals, which resulted in being them more included in society. The riots were their way of communicating to us that they were sick and tired of being viewed differently just because they were gay.
Stonewall Inn, Jerry Engle, Getty Images, 1969
“Censorship hit us extra hard with a double standard. Anything that was heterosexual was considered obscene if it was extremely disgusting, provocative, or sexually explicit ...anything that mentioned homosexuality was obscene simply if it did not point out how terribly disgusting and evil homosexuality was.”
~ Jim Kepner, former Mattachine