

                                      Dexter Armstrong

We were fortunate to interview Mr. Armstrong, who is a park ranger at Brown v. Board of Education Historical Site. Mr. Armstrong shared that Brown v. Board laid the foundations of how we see segregation issues today; “Standing on the backs of giants”. Communication of these issues needs to continue in any way possible. As stated by Dexter, “Just because the communication wasn’t there, doesn’t mean that it wasn’t going on.” Dexter also informed us of the inequalities based on where the children were located. "Southern States- you could tell a white school apart from a black school instantly. Books, teachers, materials, buildings. Separate but equal.
Topeka- same architect that built the white school built the black school. Same books. Same materials. Black teachers in the black schools were over qualified. Equal but separate." ​​​​​​​We have intertwined our interview through our website.

Dexter Armstrong, Facebook, 2016