
                             Initial Change

                           The Negative Views on Integration

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The short-term impact was legally black children and white children could not be segregated based on their skin color. However, many white families did not like it. Southern members of congress vowed to oppose the Brown ruling through all lawful means. Governor Orval Faubus ordered state troopers to prevent African American students from integrating a school. Ruby Bridges was the first black student to integrate. She communicated change was coming. When she went to her first day of school she was sent with U.S. Marshals, and every white parent pulled their child out of school for a year because there was a student with a different color skin entering the class. Almost 8,000 black teachers were let go after integrating. Black teachers and parents would ask themselves, will the black children get treated appropriately when they move to a classroom with white teachers and students? Also, if their teachers get let go who do they look up to? There were definitely positives in integrating public schools, but there were some negatives too. 

                                Segregationists, "This is Your Time" , 1960 

"Black students see themselves in their black teachers." - Dexter Armstrong

                                                                                                          Ruby Bridges, "This is Your Time", 1960

                               How Linda Found Out They Won

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ "On the day the decision was handed down, I was attending school, and my father was at work. My mother was at home, doing the family ironing, and she heard on the radio uh the decision that had been handed down through the Supreme Court. I learned about it that evening, upon arriving home from school. I noticed that my mother was very overjoyed at something, and then when she shared the news with me, I felt joy too, because I felt that my sisters wouldn't have to walk so far to school the next fall. My father arrived home that evening, and she relayed the message to him about what had happened, and he was just overjoyed." - Linda Brown

                        Interveiw, Youtube, 2004

                        Integrated school, The Hechinger Report, 2014