The First Cod War

The Cod Wars

The First Cod War

News Clipping, The Guardian

The First Cod War thus began in September of 1958, after Iceland unilaterally increased its territorial waters from 4 nautical miles to 12. Refusing to recognize these limits, Britain deployed the Royal Navy’s Fishery Protection Squadron to protect British trawlers within the twelve mile limit from arrest.

Icelandic Gunboat (Right) Confronting Trawler, The Guardian

Multiple clashes would occur: in several instances Icelandic patrolmen boarded British trawlers, and rammings would occur.

Icelandic Gunboat & British Trawler, September 1958, The Guardian

Diplomatic concern from NATO allies and growing international favor for a 12 mile fishing limit would cause the British to concede in 1961. Iceland agreed to give the British temporary 3-year fishing rights within a 6 mile limit, and promised to refer to the International Court of Justice for future disputes.
