Losses at Midway
The Japanese lost all four aircraft carriers that went to Midway, which were Akagi, Hiryu, Soryu, and Kaga. They also lost a cruiser. The U.S. lost one destroyer and one aircraft carrier, the USS Yorktown.
320 Japanese aircraft and about 3,000 soldiers were lost. The United States lost 150 aircraft and 317 soldiers. Overall, the Japanese had a greater loss at Midway,
Japan retreated before it could rescue many survivors. The United States rescued several engineers from Hiryu, which they interrogated.
A Japanese naval loss like this had not happened since 1592. The Japanese were not able to invade Fiji, New Caledonia, or Samoa due to the losses from Midway.
". . . Some of the big dogs in the Navy got a pretty good understanding that we cleaned their plow pretty well and things were gonna look a lot better than anticipated."
~ Bill Norberg, a yeoman aboard the USS Enterprise