
The Monday Demonstrations 

" Many small people, who in many small places do many small things, can alter the face of the world."

-East Side Berlin Galllery, 1990.

The Miracle of Leipzig, 70,000 people gathered in Leipzig's town square fighting for freedom. 

Demonstration, Montags. Launching the "Peaceful Revolution" of 1989. 9 Oct. 1989, europeforvisitors.com/germany/leipzig/leipzig-monday-demonstrations-1989.htm. Accessed 7 Jan. 2021. 

DW, News. “Kattrin Hattenhauer; For a Free Country with Free People.” DW News, 4 Sept. 1 989, www.dw.com/en/how-east-germans-peacefully-brought-the-gdr-regime-down/a-50743302V=-

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“Wir sind das Volk.” We are the people. This was chanted by protesters during the Monday Demonstrations in Leipzig, Germany, pleading with their government for freedom.  The most important and successful protest, known as the Miracle of Leipzig, was a major factor to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the German Democratic Republic, and eventually, German reunification, which is the migration of hundreds of thousands of people traveling to and from East Germany and West Germany and other European countries. Through their actions, the citizens of Leipzig loudly communicated their dissatisfaction with the GDR, but it wasn’t just their own government taking notice, other European countries living behind the Iron Curtain were inspired to action as well.​​​​​​​

Reese Black and Sophia Grant

Junior Division 

Group Website

Process Paper Word Count: 500

Website Word Count: 1200