
Build Up

“There is no end to protest until there is an end to oppression”
― Oluseyi Akinbami

                                                  Post World War II

After Germany surrendered to the Allies in World War II, the Yalta Conference decided that each of the main powers will take over a sector of Germany. The United States, Great Britain,  France and the Soviet Union was therefore each responsible and in charge for their section. The German Federal Republic was created by The U.S., Great Britain, and France’s sectors being combined into one as we knew as West Germany. The remaining zone, which was overseen by Soviet Union, was then created into The German Democratic Republic(GDR), or East Germany. 

On August 13, 1961, the citizens of Germany would be forever changed. The Berlin Wall that divided their country into two began being built by the Communist Government of the GDR or East Germany. ​​​​​​​The main purpose of the Wall being to keep East Germans from immigrating to West Germany. It symbololized  just how little freedom the citizens of the GDR had, and the divide between the Soviet-led East Germany and West Germany. ​​​​​​​

(Map #1) Post WWII Allied Occupatioanal Zones

(Map #2) Course of the Berlin Wall

Universal History Archive. “Greater Berlin.” HISTORY, 1948, -blockade.​​​​​​​

Pike, John. “The Inner German Border .”, 5 Apr. 2003,