
Women's Role

Women's roles in the 1950s was very different then we have now. They were not allowed to get degrees, most jobs, and supposed to follow what society wanted them to be. As Rosalind Franklin was growing up, schools would not teach girls past a certain age with restrictions on what they could learn. "Rosalind always knew since she was five what she wanted to do, and of ciurse that was being a scientist". The issue was that schools would not teach girls science more or less chemistry, and physics. Men were often seen as supperior to women. Women during this time had very limited jobs and were to stay at home to cook, clean, and raise the children. 

Rosalind Franklin's Adversity

Rosalind Franklin faced many problems trying to accomplish her dreams, but she did not let and of the gender barriers nor society tell her what she can and can not do. She broke the gender boundary within the work force and gave women the confidence to stand up and do what they want with their lives. Rosalind Franklin was an inspiration for women everywhere in the 1940s and 1950s, she inspired women to do what they want to do with their lives and work where they want to work. "You don't need a man to tell you what you can do, you really just do it" ~Rosalind Franklin


"Rosalind Franklin working in her labatory in Paris. Photo by Vittorio Luzzati"

