impact Polio Vaccine Project

Polio Vaccine

The oral Polio vaccine was a turning point in the timeline of Polio eradication. It was better than the Injected vaccine in almost every aspect, including cost and availability, allowing developing countries to have an easier time immunizing their population. It's one downside is a very rare form of Polio that is caused by the weakened viruses in the vaccine, but the other benefits outweigh this.

The Polio vaccine has also set the path for future vaccines. Many seniors who have seen that the Polio vaccine works were more eager to get the Coronavirus vaccine despite overall reluctance in their regions.

The oral vaccine also paved the way for the creation of future oral vaccines to treat Cholera and Typhoid.

"The overall COVID vaccination rate is lower in rural parts of America than it is in cities by about 10%. But one demographic in rural America is vaccinated at much higher rates - seniors. And they're eager for the booster shots that are rolling out right now."