The Murderer

The Murderer

Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, January 3). William Hale (cattleman). Wikipedia. Retrieved January 9, 2023, from

William Hale was the man who masterminded the murders; among that, he was also a well-respected businessman and one of the most prominent figures in the county. His actions were driven purely by greed and self-benefit. Though he did not have any immediate blood relatives that would make him the inheritor of the headright, he did have his nephew, who married an indigenous woman from the Osage Tribe. 

He rarely committed any of the murders himself; most of the murders were committed by people he hired or bribed into his scheme. His most frequent way of murdering someone was getting them somewhere secluded and shooting them. Though, in more extreme counts of his crimes, he also committed bombings and poisings. After he killed his victims, he would leave their bodies where th

Iggulden, Caroline, et al. “Why the 'Devil' Decided to Slaughter a Tribe of Native American Oil Millionaires.” The Sun, The Sun, 22 Apr. 2017,