In May, the size of the flotilla increased causing the governenment (FEMA) to manage the large influx of immigrants by processing them. "The purpose of this administrative detention was to screen, interview, and register the Cubans and then place them with willing sponsors in the community" (Clark, Lasaga, and Reque, 1981). Most refugees were admitted to the U.S. after a brief detention and a screening. "Although, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service refused to admit approximately two-thousand Mariels, deeming them unfit due to mental illness or criminal records" (Washington Crime News Services, 1988a). "First, the screening questions posed by INS relied upon self-report data, and the veracity of the responses of the criminals and mentally ill is questionable" (Nichols, 1982). "Second, serious crimes were reportedly committed by Mariels already released into American communities. On the basis of these report a contrasting estimate offered by some placed the number of criminals at 5,000" (Boswell and Curtis, 1984).
❝Some of those people that were in those camps were released through spousals (marriages) that did not exist, and they came to Miami and no place to go. And that's when we had to open Tent City under the expressway."
-Cesar Odio City Manager