Fleeing Fidel

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"Another encampment was located on the grounds of the Orange Bowl close to the Cuban American Enclave of Little Havana, this encampment provided a proximate access for Cuban American community members to assist Marielitos" (CivosUMN, 1980).

Initial Processing

Upon arrival to Key West, the immigrants met family members and others were bused to centers in Dade County. "Preexisting organizations assisted in the processing and settling of the immigrants. Initially, Marielitos were assisted by local government agencies (Dade County and the cities of Miami and Hialeah), volunteers from the Cuban-American community, the Federal Cuban Refugee Center, and other volunteer agencies" (Clark).

Fleeing Fidel & Finding Florida:
The Mariel Boatlift an Immigration Breakthrough




"Refugees wait to be processed by U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) agents in a temporary housing center located at an old naval seaplane hangar at Trumbo Point in Key West. The centers became so clogged with refugees in need of processing that many were forced to live for weeks, and sometimes months, in nearby tent camps while awaiting approval" (Floridamemory, McDonald, 1980).

"In this image Cuban refugees (Marielitos) celebrate stepping on US  soil. For many, the arrival to  South Florida was a reason for celebration and rejoice as family and friends faced the prospect  of being reunited following  years of separation" (CiviosUMN,1980).

The first boat arrived April 21st with some 250 refugees, and the immigration people were waiting. They were put in buses, and a call that was made to me thanks to a call that was made to me that same day, we opened up a processing center on A Street in Little Havana."
-Cesar Odio City Manager

Federal Emergency Management Agency

In May, the size of the flotilla increased causing the governenment (FEMA) to manage the large influx of immigrants by processing them. "The purpose of this administrative detention was to screen, interview, and register the Cubans and then place them with willing sponsors in the community" (Clark, Lasaga, and Reque, 1981). Most refugees were admitted to the U.S. after a brief detention and a screening. "Although, the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service refused to admit approximately two-thousand Mariels, deeming them unfit due to mental illness or criminal records" (Washington Crime News Services, 1988a). "First, the screening questions posed by INS relied upon self-report data, and the veracity of the responses of the criminals and mentally ill is questionable" (Nichols, 1982). "Second, serious crimes were reportedly committed by Mariels already released into American communities.  On the basis of these report  a contrasting estimate offered by some placed the number of criminals at 5,000" (Boswell and Curtis, 1984). 

Some of those people that were in those camps were released through spousals (marriages) that did not exist, and they came to Miami and no place to go. And that's when we had to open Tent City under the expressway."
-Cesar Odio City Manager   

"After the Key West Processing Station Marieltos were bused up 1-95 to distribution points and encampments located in different sites throughout Dade County" (CivosUMN,1980).

"One of the most infamous encampments was "Tent City" located underneath 1-95 which was city-owned land close to downtown Miami. In these and other locations Cubans were able to receive further medical assistance as well as reach out to family members and friends in Miami" (CivosUMN,1980).

Declaration of Emergency

On May 6 the president grabbed headlines again by declaring a state of emergency in South Florida and authorizing the release of $10 million to provide aid to refugees." -Mirta Ojito

The Mariels that arrived at that time, the people that arrived from Mariel at that time - I said it at the time under record that they had families here, they had already houses waiting for them, they had jobs waiting for them and they were absorbed into the community almost immediately." 
 -Cesar Odio City Manager

Flier  to Cuban refugees arriving in the United States during the Mariel Boatlift. Translation: “To the Cuban refugees: …President Jimmy Carter has opened the arms of our nation, respect the laws and obey the authorities”
​(FloridaMemory, McDonald, 1980).

Detention of Refugees

Preventative detention, short term centers, screened,interviewed and registered immigrants. About 2,000 Marielitos were defined as criminals or mentally ill and were to remain in federal custody indefinetly. 

"Parole determinations and revocations respecting Mariel Cubans" (Title 8 section 212.10).

"Just because it is legal does not make it right." - Christine Dahl Federal Public Defender