
-- --- .-. ... .  -.-. --- -.. . : Morse Code

 Military Communication through Dits and Dahs


Thesis Statement

In 1836, a revolutionary new way to communicate was developed by Samuel Morse, called Morse Code. It quickly became an international communication system that revolutionized technology forever. Within the next 20 years this new way of communication was being actively used by multiple countries in wartime.  By the 20th century, Morse Code  played an active part in every conflict up until the 1990s.  From Morse Code being born out of tragedy came multiple communication achievements branching from Morse's invention.

"Every child has a dream, to pursue the dream is in every child's hand to make it a reality. One's invention is another's tool."-Samuel Morse

("Knowledge of Telegraphy Saves Man From Death by Smothering")

Gracie Dodson

Individual Website

Junior Division

Student-Composed Word Count: 1200

Process Paper Word Count: 479

Total Media Time: 2:59