Why Did it Matter

Why Did It Matter?

Many years later, a lot of opinions have changed about whether America should have dropped nuclear weapons. As a result of the horrible bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons was established in 2017 to ban nuclear weapons from the United Nations. Truman stressed that if any other nation wanted to attack America, what happened in Japan would happen to them but many times worse. It showed the world how reckless America was willing to be to stand up for itself. ​​​​​​​

Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, 2022, Marrickville Peace Group

Even though the Treaty was signed by many nations, some countries still disregard it and need “looking after” by other countries, like the United States. For example, Vladimir Putin, current president of Russia, recently threatened to use nuclear weapons on Ukraine in 2022, but never actually followed through. Putin knew that dropping a single nuclear weapon on another country would result in an immediate attack on Russia, and result in serious consequences.

​​​​​​​Hiroshima Peace Memorial, 2022, Wikipedia

Most people believe that the atomic bombs only changed the world in negative ways. In reality, it created a new frontier in warfare and invented a different way to fight (which the world will hopefully never use again). Besides warfare, the atomic bomb impacted the way nations respond to other countries, while increasing the amount of patriotism in the countries that learned to make nuclear weapons. It also impacted nations' histories, as was seen in Japan, where the people kept the Hiroshima Peace Center in the same condition as it had been in 1945 when it was at the center of the atomic explosion. Overall, the atomic bomb proved to have both positive and negative effects.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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