Cooling The Loaf

Cooling The Loaf

The Mixing Bowl
Filling The Pan
The Baker
Into The Oven
The Last Bite

Metal pan, etsy, unkown.

Ensuing this breakthrough, Carl Bosch used his power in BASF, a German dye company, to support the Haber-Bosch process, and try his hand at making it bigger, better. Carl succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Bosch created the ammonia oven. The ammonia oven is a contraption similar to an oven in form, but divergent in use. The ammonia oven was filled with nitrogen and hydrogen, then a sheet of iron catalyst was put in. When heated and pressurized, ammonia would condense, and stick to the metal.

  Fritz Haber, on the other hand, was trying something new. Having joined the military beforehand, he had been promoted fast, and had become the equivalent of an officer, though not one, as Jews at that time could not be officers. After around a year, World War I started, and he began working on a weapon, one that would bring all the countries that opposed Germany to their knees, a weapon so terrible it would be used at Auschwitz… Toxic gas.

"In peace-time the scientist belongs to humanity, in war-time to his fatherland." - Fritz Haber, Creator of the Haber-Bosch process and known as the Father of Chemical Warfare.

Explosion, JSTOR daily, unkown.

The Haber-Bosch process would be used for a variety of things, among which would fuel the explosives industry, feed billions, and grow the world’s farms. This ammonia from the Haber Bosch process could be used as fertilizers. Fertilizers share a close chemical makeup with explosives, and with a little tinkering, one can be used for another.  After the invention of the ammonia oven, and the mass production of ammonia fertilizers, came the mass production of explosives. Historians estimate that Germany lasted a year in the war through only Haber-Bosch. Carl Bosch opened Leuna as well during the great war, also called the “factory the size of a city”. It was a massive ammonia plant, and could create thousands of tons of fertilizer. Many historians say that Hitler would not have held a threat without the munitions supplied through Haber-Bosch. Haber-Bosch as a process not the people, using machines created to process ammonia, anyone could create mass amounts of explosives. ​​​​​​​
