The Baker

The Baker

The Mixing Bowl
Filling The Pan
Into The Oven
Cooling The Loaf
The Last Bite

Fritz Haber. Encyclopedia Britteanica, unkown.

Fritz Haber, the creator of the Haber-Bosch process, was born to Siegfried Haber and Paula Haber. Seifried owned a dye company, and after his wife died, this became his entirety. Fritz went to school at his local gymnasium in Breslau, and got a degree in organic chemistry. 

He went to college at the University of Berlin, and barely managed to get his doctorate in 1891. He tried to become a chemist, but failed. Discouraged, he went back to Breslau to join his father’s company.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Shiksa, unkown

After a while, he begged his father to buy lime chloride, a widely used antidote for cholera. Fritz had predicted that a cholera epidemic would hit Germany, and that he could sell this  for more than it’s worth. Unfortunately for Fritz, but better for Germany, the cholera epidemic never hit. Fritzwas forced to sell the lime chloride for cents on the dollar. Eventually, Fritz did get a chemistry job as a teacher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
