Medium, Nine Search Engines We Used BEFORE Google Ruled The Internet, May 4th, 2022 Paul Walker
Whenever you need to look things up people tell you to "Google it," but why was Google the one to rise to the top? What other search engines threatened to take their crown? Why are search engines even important?
People use them every day but still do not know the answer to those questions.
In the 1990s early users of the internet had to manually type in the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) to access websites, as search engines did not exist, which also made finding new websites problematic. In 1990 in Canada, Alan Emtage created the first search engine, Archie, allowing users of the World Wide Web to create new search engines, find information, and connect much more easily. This turning point led to the creation of even more powerful search engines, with Google becoming the leader today, affecting millions of people worldwide.
Medium, Nine Search Engines We Used BEFORE Google Ruled The Internet, May 4th, 2022 Paul Walker
Lorelai Wilde
How the Explosion of Search Engines Changed History
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