

Marie and Purie Curie, “File:Pierre and Marie Curie.jpg”

Their combined work led to the use of radioactive materials in medicine immediately, because isotopes are more effective and safer than surgery or chemicals for attacking cancers and other diseases. The Curies discovered Radium to be good for many procedures. Shortly after it started to be used for treating breast cancer, diabetes, and more.


In December 1898, Marie and Pierre Curie discovered a second new element in a barium fraction, which they named "radium."

Radium Beauty Advertisement, University of Wyoming Dept. of Theatre and Dance.

Radium Pad advertisment,

These medicines sparked other companies' attention and radium became part of everyday items including toothpaste, cosmetics, and glow in the dark paint used on clocks and watch dials. This really boomed in the 1920s and some even said that a glass of radium should be consumed every day to stay healthy. Radium was considered a miracle cure for over 25 years. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

"Radium truly was an international craze. It was in everything from cosmetics to food, and it very much had an allure to it."

~ Kate Moore, Author

“The Radium Girls.” Youtube, uploaded by Scishow 10 April 2015,