
Reducing Radium

The discovery of radium being poisonous shocked the country and forever changed the uses of radium. Companies stopped using radium in everyday products, and it was no longer considered to be a “miracle cure.” The Radium Dial Company went out of business and the U.S. Radium Corporation stopped using radium paint. The trial had been heavily covered in the media so news of it had been heard throughout the country. Many of the girls died shortly after the court case was settled.

Newspaper clipping, Northwestern University Digital Collections

Newspaper clipping from after trial, Herald Examiner Newspaper, April 6, 1938

Coursey, Bert Radium scientist and historian. Interview. Conducted by Olivia Bushey, Emma Ristau, and Braylee Rue. 30 November 2023.

“As the radium girls began their legal fight, their case exposed shocking holes and omissions in current laws.”

~ Kate Moore, Author