Ottawa, Illinois

Ottawa, Illinois

Radium Dial Company

In Illinois, a similar story came out of a group of girls from a different company, known as the Radium Dial Company. This company attempted to keep the information about what was happening in New Jersey from their employees. Once the news of the New Jersey trial reached the girls in Illinois, their company went as far as to assure their employees that the girls in New Jersey were showing signs of a viral infection, not radium poisoning.

“The doctors tell me I will die, but I mustn't. I have too much to live for.”

~ Catherine Donohue, Radium Girl

“‘Living Death’ Victims,” The Times-News (Hendersonville, NC), February 14, 1938,

Eventually, a group of another five girls ended up suing Radium Dial Company, wanting compensation for medical expenses and pain, much like the girls in New Jersey. The Illinois trial ended much faster than the New Jersey Trial. This resulted in the other case to be settled shortly after. The girls that filed lawsuits against the companies received money for their medical expenses and pain. Each woman received $10,000 and $600 per year annuity while they lived. All their medical and legal expenses would also be paid by the company.

Ottowa Illionis factory workers. Doerr, Elizabeth. “Radium Watch Dials And Radium Girls: Who Would Have Thought ‘Eating’ Radioactive Material Was Deadly? - Reprise.” Quill & Pad, 3 Mar. 2021

Coursey, Bert Radium scientist and historian. Interview. Conducted by Olivia Bushey, Emma Ristau, and Braylee Rue. 30 November 2023.