Early Effects

This didn't impact the world right away. It took a couple of years for the machine to catch on and Eli didn’t even get a patent for the machine until 1794, two years after he invented it. Then there were more made, and plantation owners were able to plant more to be processed. It was a slow start for the Cotton Gin, but eventually it gained steam. He didn't even have an effective patent on the gin. There was no way he could keep sueing and prosecuting all of the people who used the patent. Part of the problem was that at the time patents were not very effective, and there were not enough laws to protect patents.  When more laws were created, it was too late. He did get paid by the state of Tennessee for 10,000 dollars which made him wealthy. 

explanation of the cotton gin. credit uploaded 2019.

​​​​​​​ This invention caused a massive spike in slavery, leading to the Civil War, and eventually the end of slavery.

contract between Eli Whitney and Tennessee. credit circa 1807