The Invention

The Invention

The turning point was when Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. He made this machine that separates cotton seeds from the cotton fiber while living at a farm in Georgia. He was inspired by enslaved people and the tools they made to make the process faster. Instead of having slaves do it by hand, plantation owners could use fewer slaves because it only took two people to run a cotton gin and have significantly more cotton processed. With this, plantation owners could produce more cotton and hence needed more slaves to pick that cotton. Additionally, more gins and even more slaves were needed to refine the cotton. The cotton gin was essential for slavery to continue, and this this was a factor to the start of the start the Civil War.  ​​​​​​​

Unfortunately, Eli never got the credit he deserved, as plantation owners immediately created their own and Eli’s patent couldn't  protect against them stealing his idea. Many of them made their own, many of which were upgraded in some way. Although he didn’t receive all the credit he deserved, plantation owners would not have been able to put out nearly as much cotton or become as successful as they did without Eli. ​​​​​​​

A  Cotton Gin. credit accessed 2023..