Process Paper

Process Paper

How did we choose our topic?

We chose our topic this year, because one of our group members was reading a book about the story of the USS Pueblo, and saw a mention of the story of the USS Liberty. He became interested and decided to learn more about it and do a history project on it.

How did we conduct our research?

We conducted our research primarily through firsthand interviews with survivors, and then backed up that with other secondary sources like newspaper articles. We felt that primary sources were very important to our website.

How did we select our presentation category and create our project?

We selected our project category because we felt that it would be the best way to convey the information that we wanted to convey. 

One of our group members also had prior experience building a website for National History Day. 

How does our project relate to the NHD Theme?

Our project relates to the NHD theme because the NHD theme of breaking barriers means something that a person or group overcame to move forward. The story of the USS Liberty is an excellent example of that because this is a clear and rare example in American history of a single event that caused America to completely rethink its military and diplomatic strategy, which turned out to be a good thing for the country, as a similar incident has not happened since.

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