COMMUNICATING with Foriegn Countries
On April 18, 1955 twenty nine African and Asian countries met in Bandung, Indonesa to pledge political, economic, and cultural cooperation in order to strengthen their nations. The Bandung Conference was very crucial at this time as most of the countries involved were newly independent and this meeting would set the foundation for their future foriegn relations. The twenty-nine countries that participated in the Bandung Conference represented a total of 1.5 billion people. During this time that was more than half of the world's population. This forum was also important as it provided these representatives an opportunity to address the needs of their nations which mostly shared an anti-colonial mentality.

Is an image of a dance and people looking at the camera and another woman pulling him away. N.D anonymous

Is a jazz band recording a songs. N.D anonymous
America's Representative
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. was a baptist pastor and American representitive in the Bandung Conference. Adam was at the conference as an observer. While at the conference Adam made a positive international impression addressing the concerns of these nation's. These counties had just earned their independanes from European empires. Ballet and other forms of high propaganda left a bad taste in their mouth's. Powell knew jazz would be a better form of art to COMMUNICATE what Capitilism could provide
Image 1 is a side view of the Bandung Conference. N.D anonymous
Image 2 This image is the name tags of all the counties that had representatives that attended the Bandung Conference. N.D anonymous
Image 3 Is an over view of the Bandung Conference. N.D anonymous
Image 4 Is a picture of five men all from different countries. N.D anonymous
Image 5 Is an newswpaper showing a map where the counties that atended the conference. N.D anonymous
Image 6 Is a map if the countries that hosted, attended, and declind to come to the Bandung Conference. N.D anonymous