Capitalism, practiced by the United States, is an economic system where people and companies make the decisions and the government plays a secondary role. This means that production is mostly or entirely privately owned and used for profit. There are both pros and cons to capitalism.
Pros-More opportunity for innovation, better quality of goods and services, and more focus on individual skills.
Cons- include social inequality, corporate greed, monopolies, price gouging.

Top Left: Is an image of 2 people pulling a carage and a person whipping them and another person of higher power sitting and relaxing. N.D anonymous
Top Right: This image is of two Nazis and one telling to shoot the little kids and the other soldier aming at them. While the little kids stand against a wall that has blood harvest on it. N.D anonymous
Bottom Left: Image of three soldiers being attacked by a octupus with a Souvit Union sign on its head.
Bottom Right: Is a skeletone of a baby walking and a soldier to bare of bones hading his gun to the repper. N.D anonymous