The Space Race
 Early Missiles 
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 Sputnik-1's Launch 
The Space Race
Early Space Technology Agencies

The Space Race

The Soveit Union used their time wisely in their shocking attempt in space technology, both launching Sputnik-1 and Spuutnik-2 to furthermore shock the world. American Scientists, who feared they lacked technology, prepared for their own launch of an artificial satellite for research and development purposes starting the Space Race. The Space Race was a,”Race,” to prove superiority over other countries in space exploration. ​​​​​​​

President John F Kennedy announced on May 25, 1961, the winner of the Space Race would be whoever landed a man on the moon by the end of the decade. America and the Soviet Union fought to stay ahead of the other in landing a man on the moon. The Space Race lasted 20 years. During that time some of the biggest technological breakthroughs ever occurred.

​​​​​​​John F Kennedy Quote, Today In Science History, May 25 1961.

Sputnik-1 Replica,, Unknown
