Joseph McCarthy


The Story of How One Senator's Words Changed Our Nation Forever

Joseph McCarthy
The Rise and Fall of McCarthyism
McCarthyism Now

Joseph Raymond McCarthy was born on November 14, 1908, In Grand Chute, Wyoming. He dropped out of junior high school at age 14 to help his family at home, then he went to high school at age 20. McCarthy graduated the very next year. He went to Marquette University in 1930 and graduated in 1935 after getting a Bachelor of Laws Degree. As a Wisconsin attorney, working as a circuit judge, he worked for 3 years (from 1940-1942). He enlisted into the Marine Corps in World War II from 1942-1945. In 1946, McCarthy successfully won the Republican nomination for the Senate. McCarthy was also elected both that autumn and in 1952. Back to 1950, Senator McCarthy became suspicious about Communist spies hiding as normal people in our government. This provoked the start of McCarthyism. After many years of McCarthyism being stable and right after Senator McCarthy got promoted to chairman of the investigating committee, on December 2nd, 1954, The Senate gave a vote declaring McCarthyism was no more. McCarthy hadn't even finished his second term in office when he died of liver ailment on May 2nd, 1957, at age 48.

(Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, below)