Bob Geldof wearing a Live-Aid Feed the World Shirt, BBC, 2014
Bob Geldof wearing a Live-Aid Feed the World Shirt, BBC, 2014
Band Aid Trust raised between $73.8 million and $84 million.
The United Nations credits Bob Geldof's effort with Live Aid for sparking governments globally to increase their spending on foreign aid particularly in Africa.
The US Government sent $750 million in food to Africa in 1985.
“You can spend it fast or you can spend it right”-Bob Geldof, Daily News, 1985
The Live Aid organization was very forthcoming with information regarding how they spent the money raised.
Rogers and Cowan, the marketing and public relations agency responsible for Live Aid, regularly published news releases regarding spending on foreign aid.
“17,000 tons grain, 2000 tons milk powder, 1200 tons sugar, 1200 tons vegetable oil, 140 tons lentils, 200 tons medical supplies and vitamins, 29 land rovers, 18 water tankers, 169 lorries, 4 mobile workshops, 12 land cruisers, 10 pickups, 2 bulldozers, 200,000 gallons of diesel fuel, 52 tons plastic sheeting (reinforced), 41 hospital tents, 3 clinics, 200,000 hans tools, picks and shovels, 250,000 feeding utensils, 10 tons tarpaulin, 15 containers of clothing and cloth, 10 farm ploughs, 150 tons seed, 200,000 blankets, 3 water drilling rigs, 40 tons water pumping equipment, 200 tons hi-energy biscuits, 1.25 million vehicle parts and tires, 1 container full of hospital equipment, the building of one bridge, 2 vehicle compounds and 250,000 seed oxen and hand tools.” - Rogers and Rowan Complete List of Famine Relief Supplies
Additionally Agricultural input packages for use in 10 nutritional and health centers, spares for trucks for major distribution networks and water supply systems were also purchased.
Rogers and Cowan press release dated November 25th, 1985,
RRHF Archives, 2020
Rogers and Cowan press release listing relief organizations they were supporting RRHF Archives, 2020
Band Aid purchased 200 trucks and nine ships to distribute supplies.
93 relief and development agencies working in 7 Countries shipped over 70,000 tons of relief supplies on Band Aids ships.
Band Aid's 9 ships carried over 100,000 emergency aid packages.