("The Titanic's Maiden Voyage 1912")
There were many factors that contributed to the sinking of the Titanic. The Titanic started to become an international sensation during the time it was being built in the years of 1909 to 1912 (“1,340 Perish As…”). Since the Titanic was built under the British flag, majority of the excitement of the ship was spread throughout Europe (History.com Editors). The steamer took around three years to build, cost over ten million dollars, and was made by the White Star Line (“1,340 Perish As…”). The Titanic had made two stops before departing from Southamton, England for its maiden voyage in Cherbourg, France, then Cobh, Ireland before departing for its maiden voyage in Southampton, England (History.com Editors). It had gathered many passengers from all classes of wealth, including immigrants. The Titanic was scheduled to start its voyage on April 10, 1912 from Southampton, England to New York City (History.com Editors). In the midst of the voyage, the Titanic was punctured in the side by an iceberg (“They Said it…”). The crew members had made many calls for help to North America and tried to save as many lives as possible by giving lifeboats to the passengers, mainly women and children (“1,340 Perish As…”). Though the Titanic met the requirements for the British lifeboat and life vests regulations, it didn’t carry enough to give to all of the passengers aboard the ship (History.com Editors). The Titanic was split in half before it was completely submerged (History.com Editors). Sadly, despite the crew members’ best efforts, on April 15, 1912, the “unsinkable” Titanic laid at the bottom of the cold Atlantic waters, split in two (“1,340 Perish As…”).