After Jack's show in May of 1946, some men in the audience were interested and contacted Jack to come look at their devices closer. Jack and Palmer agreed. They met Harold Lindsay and Myron Stolaroff, two men from the new San Carlos based company who made aircraft motors during the war. They proposed the idea of speakers or even a disc-recording lathe. With this newfound plan, all they needed was a name. The leader of the group Alexander M. Poniatoff, used his initials plus EX for excellence to create AMPEX.
Image Courtesy of History of Recording website
The team began working on their new inventions. Eventually creating the Ampex Model 200, America's first professional audio deck and a turning point in the industry. By using 16mm films, the team built a third tape deck using spare head stacks from Jack's German Magnetophon, and their own electronics. The Ampex Model 200 was born.