

Conrad Wise Chapman - Submarine Torpedo Boat H.L. Hunley, Dec. 6, 1863

The submersible, for the first time, allowed humans to go underwater and explore places we have never explored. The submarine allowed us to understand the world we live in through its ingenuity and capabilities. More Importantly, through its devastating developments created for war it helped make and, nontheless, break the tensions of enemies and pave the path to global peace. 

Launching of U-218 at Kiel, Germany, 1941

Rodrigo Suarez Lopez Gallo and Anish Leekkala

Senior Division | Group Website

Minutes in Multimedia: 0

Student-Composed Word Count: 1,197

Process Paper Word Count: 498

Special Prize: Maritime History: National Maritime Historical Society

Special Prize: Military History: Arkansas National Guard Museum Foundation