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Automotive Innovation

FMC's Employment





NHD Paperwork


 Drivers, Start Your Engines!!!

"Before everything else getting ready is the secret of success" - Henry Ford

Henry Ford

Credit Library of Congress

Henry Ford's Farm

Credit Henry

Henry Ford was an ingenious man who accomplished many feats and broke barriers. His main achievements were in four distinguished areas: automotive innovation, diversity in the workforce, mass-production, and monopolization of the auto-industry. In this website, I will explain the various ways Henry Ford exceedingly surpassed the theme, "Breaking Barriers".

In terms of automotive innovation, Henry Ford developed the first car that met three intricate qualities: affordability, popularity, and accessibility.  He diversified the workforce by employing a multitude of people who were eligible to work. His mass-production of cars through his innovative assembly line model was purely extraordinary. Imagine having the superpower among your workforce and assembly line to produce a car every 24 seconds, while it takes your competitor four times that amount! 

If you can imagine this, you might get a glimpse of all that Henry Ford accomplished. These areas of triumph are why he broke barriers. Henry Ford achieved what no other could during his time.

Henry Ford was born in 1863 in Greenfield Township, Michigan. His family was poor so Ford moved to Detroit, Michigan to work for the Edison Illuminating Company as an Engineer and aspired to one day build a horseless carriage. He was a tinkerer in his spare time, and by visiting car companies he eventually built his first horseless carriage dubbed the "Quadricycle". Little did he know that this invention would drive him to success and take him on the road to breaking barriers.

Henry Ford's Quadriycle

Credit: Henry

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals" - Henry Ford

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Automotive Innovation

FMC's Employment





NHD Paperwork