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Automotive Innovation

FMC's Employment




NHD Paperwork


One Man, One Dream, One Ford

“Life is a series of experiences, each one making us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward” -  Henry Ford

Henry Ford's ingenuity and business mind led him to major success. The details on this website allows one to appreciate the immense impact he had on America and the barriers he broke. As previously stated, his foremost achievements were in four areas that changed the world: Automotive Innovation, Diversity in the Workforce, Mass-Production, and Monopolization of the Automotive Industry.  These advancements and his astounding auto-industry control were pure success and utter affluence. He broke barriers in Automotive Innovation because he alone made a quadricycle and used that invention to beat the best car manufacturer's car in a race. That shined on his mechanic mind at heart considerably. He broke barriers in the employment aspect of a business. He, unlike other employers, was willing to hire the devalued. He mass-produced cars and was able to make a car every 24 seconds which was quite unimaginable.  Imagine counting to 24 and then voila, a car is made! He also dominated the automobile market share for decades. How frustrating it must have been for other car manufacturers to compete against The Henry Ford with his Model T's and A's, V8 engines, and Ford's. Hence their motto "One Ford - Go no further". Henry Ford was Determined to Revolutionize the Automobile Industry and he exceeded that. Henry Ford Relentlessly Pursued Excellence and he got that excellence. Henry Ford Overcame Obstacles and drove right over them. Henry Ford Fearlessly Broke Barriers.

Henry Ford was The American Industrial Revolutionizer

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Automotive Innovation

FMC's Employment





NHD Paperwork